Conservation Land Proposal (and Kayak Launch) in St. James City
The Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast is submitting a rezoning and special exception application to Lee County to rezone 207 acres from C-1A and AG-2 to the Environmentally Critical (EC) zoning district in order to allow a boardwalk, kayak launch, and small parking lot. A special exception is required to permit impervious surfaces for passive recreation in the EC zoning district. The property doesn’t have an address yet, but the STRAP No. is 10-45-22-00-00001.0050. (The property location is shown in the image below.) The project is called Pine Island Preserve at Matlacha Pass.
- Project managers for the Foundation are engineering/mitigation consultant Tom Odom, PE, President Mitigation Resources, and Veronica Martin, Senior Planner, TDM Consulting.
The three zoning change requests the Foundation is seeking are:
- Rezoning from AG-2 and C-1A to EC (Environmentally Critical)
- Special Exception pursuant to LDC Sec. 983(3) to permit accessory structures and impervious surface areas for passive recreation in the EC zoning district
- Amend the Future Land Use Map from Coastal Rural and Uplands to Conservation Lands, Uplands and Wetlands