April 2024 Meeting Minutes

Please note: Meeting minutes are draft until approved by membership

Greater Pine Island Civic Association
Membership Meeting Minutes

April 2, 2024 | First Baptist Church of Pine Island

Board Members Present: Deborah Swisher-Hicks, President; Nadine Slimak, Vice President, Mike Sweeney, Treasurer, Steve Eldredge, Secretary and Sue Dahod.

Call to Order

President Deb Swisher-Hicks called the meeting to order at 6:35pm.

President Swisher-Hicks announced Steve Eldredge as the new Treasurer for the GPICA and thanked Michael Sweeney for his years of service as our Treasurer.

Treasurer’s Report
Steve Eldredge presented the March 2024 GPICA Treasurer’s report, including a Chiquita Lock funding update:


    03/26/24 SQUARE 23.97
    03/25/24 SQUARE 23.97
    03/06/24 Monthly Deposit 145


    03/06/24 First Baptist Church of Pine Island 100
    03/19/24 John Thomas (Chiquita Lock-3rd payment) 2,950.00
    TOTAL EXPENSES $ 3,050



  • CHECKING $4,185.73
  • MONEY MARKET $16,765.19
  • CERT. OF DEPOSIT (4.95%, Matures 7/4/24) $78,548.43
  • CASH ON HAND $ 103

Mr. Eldredge noted that based on prior approval by the Membership, members still have the ability to contribute to the Chiquita Lock fund up to the amount of $2,025. Previous approvals would require the GPICA to match this amount.

There was a question from the membership on what rate the GPICA is receiving on the money market account. Mr. Eldredge was unsure, however he said that he would research.

Chiquita Lock Lawsuit Update

Sue Dahod then gave a brief update on the Chiquita Lock lawsuit. The court case wrapped up the week before Christmas with an administrative law judge presiding. Transcripts of the hearing were just provided this past week. The post-hearing brief (each side summarizes their arguments and counterarguments) is due on April 24. The case is not over yet and is still making its way through the process.

March Minutes

A motion was made to accept the March Membership meeting minutes. It was seconded and approved without comment.

Community Updates

President Swisher-Hicks announced the following community events.

  • The Pine Island Chamber of Commerce is going to spearhead Pine Island telephone pole painting. This is open to everyone. You can contact the Chamber for more information.
  • Lee County has approved a contract to redesign the Lavender Landing boat ramp parking lot as well as renovations to the office building.
  • On April 11 from 5-7pm at the United Methodist Church, the Florida Department of Transportation will host a public meeting outlining the Pine Island Causeway and Bridge reconstruction project.

Main Speaker: Annisa Karim, Operations Manager, Randell Research Center

President Swisher-Hicks then introduced Annisa Karim, Operations Manager from the Randell Research Center. Ms. Karim gave a short introduction to the Research Center. Her main presentation centered on a primer on “Knowing the Calusa-Turning Anthropology on its Ear.”

Mr. Eldredge then gave a short update on a Development Committee that the GPICA is trying to enact. The committee would be responsible for developing lists and ongoing monitoring of three development issues on Pine Island. The three areas are: 1) proposed development projects 2) any zoning or rezoning requests and 3) any significant parcels of land either offered for sale or actually sold. The overall objective of this committee would be to become aware, as early as possible, of any changes happening in these three areas. Mr. Eldredge noted that the GPICA is seeking volunteers to be part of this effort.

Next Meeting

Next meeting of the GPICA is May 7 and will be held at The First Baptist Church of Pine Island (5363 Avenue D, Bokeelia).

— Minutes respectfully submitted by Steve Eldredge, Secretary


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